Eight Days to Live

Friday, April 12, 2024

Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. James 5:14, 15, NIV.

Doctor Bland walked into my husband's hospital room and announced with tears in his voice, "Dan, there's nothing else we can do for you. Your liver has ceased to function!"

My husband bravely asked, "Well, Doctor, how long do I have to live?" The doctor responded that they did not have time to attempt a liver transplant, with all that would be involved in that process. Unless he was able to tolerate the massive intravenous dosage of a drug that might possibly shock the liver back into function, he could expect to live only eight to 10 days, depending on his endurance. We knew, with his history of drug reactions, that the medication might end his life even sooner!

Dan looked up and said, "God has given us the counsel that when we're faced with illness, we should have the leaders anoint us with oil and intercede in prayer. Let us have an anointing service, then proceed with the intravenous drugs. The Great Physician is able to heal me, if it is His will, and He can keep me from reacting adversely to the medication."

As the anointing service proceeded, Dan prayed: "Father, if You see fit to heal me, don't just patch me up. I want to be filled with more of Your Holy Spirit's power, for the finishing of Your work, than I have ever yet experienced." God heard and answered that prayer!

Nearly four years have passed since Dan received that "death notice." His liver has been completely healed, and he is preaching with more of the Holy Spirit's power than ever before. God has intervened to spare my husband so that he and I could continue reaching people for Him. Yes, I believe in miracles.
Some folk don't believe in miracles, but I most surely do;
For if God didn't intervene, how could I make it through?
When others have lost their lives, somehow mine was spared;
It surely speaks to my heart: My heavenly Father cared.
Yes, I believe in miracles; I serve the God above,
Who watches o'er His children with a tender Father's love.

God can work a miracle for you. To increase your faith, go through the Bible and put your name in the promises for healing. Then ask, believe, and claim.

Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

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